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    PipePS is a recursive and modular RPC multiplexer system oriented to web environments. It outstands by its usage ease (because its web modules allows to change/edit the contents from the public interface, on-the-fly). First release was in 2005 and it was periodically updated from since.

    Soon will be published the PipePS 1.11.x release, backwards compatible with all contents designed for 1.x thanks a wrapper, but several times more efficient. The new release will gain a improved connectivity and more integration with other local or online technologies.

Description and Functionality

    It has two complementary functionalities: first a recursive layout processor and second a editable content manager. But it is more than that: includes modules for the most targets, as blogs, forums, image and file managers...

Usage ease

    But that what I told does not matter in comparing with it main strategic advantage: our clients can modify them contents over the main page, the same that the visitors watch, no annoying panels are required: this makes PipePS one of the easiest CMS in the market and gives the chance to say that any user can use the system without previous knowledge, so we don't have problems of formation or learning curves... you can test it now by yourself in one of our sample sites: click here or authenticate yourself as user ejemplo (and password ejemplo) in any of the sites bottom list; both operations will activate a administrator account (note: the administrator account has no writing privileges, so any data will be stored).

Advanced MVC and application server

    The management system is fully view-independent (uses HTML-only templates, no HTML+code anoying ones like most of the CMS). This allows to design as active and standard-compatible pages as we wish (with WAI-AAA and W3C directives), Flash sites, even make it works only as a application and data server (by example FacturaFlash and CPerso works in this way). Also, of course, is compatible with any HTML editor for design templates: designers will be happier.

    PipePS allows much more flexibility at the moment of how and when invoke to the controllers. Also exposes advantages relative to the view, allowing in both cases modularity, recursively workflow and nesting.

Database Systems and Conectors

    At last PipePS implements an optional database embedded system that allows installation without requiring a external database engine. Of course, if you prefer it, our system is fully transparent-compatible with most of the market database systems (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Interbase...).

Versions and project status

    Now 3 versions of PipePS exists in production stage (fully operational): v1.0, v1.5 y v1.6 with standard functionalities: CMS/eCommerce/Blogs/Forum/... and two releases in experimental stage: v2.0 y v2.1 which aggregates to the listed functionalities behaviors like RPC and WebOS, also connectors to a wide variety of platforms and languages (PHP, ASP, Java, C++, Python...), which makes v2 cross the frontier of the CMS and web manager becoming a distributed applications framework with great functionalities and warranted extensibility.

    You can consult your case v1 price; v2 is not yet available.

    For all theses characteristics, and for our interfaces, we are different from other CMS system at the moment: our main objective is a happy user, that not have to study our interface to manage it, give flexibility to the advanced users thru the API or the batch-ordering console.


    PipePS is licensed under comertial support license; aditionally, in releases 1.11.1 and laters core source code is licensed also under the terms of the LGPL 2.1 license.

    Usually PipePS is provided linked to the projects of our clients and partners, but if you are interested in get support or more information you can contact us in the e-mail:

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Downloads / Samples

    Several examples of sites where PipePS v1.x is implemented:



IKO Conference 2008

Dakine BigWaveDay

*obra seleccionada para "Creatividade Galega"

Factura Flash

(Aplicación RIA, utiliza como backend PipePS)

Guia Rápida do Estudante
(Universidade de Vigo)

Axenda Municipal do Concello de A Estrada



Club Pescanova

Gestores de Prevención
Adapta Rampas

Control de Personal
(Aplicación RIA, de backend utiliza una version mini de PipePS)

Rutas Saludables

Padres y Maestros
(Revista Educativa)

    Sample administration demo (any data will be stored, but you can experiment with the interface):

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